Jordan Herzstein

Jordan Herzstein

Git Resume Cheat Sheet

2025-01-18 | 2025-01-18 | 228 words | 2 min
#git #resume

Since I’ve started my job hunt, I’ve been tracking all versions of my resume on git similar to this guy. Personally, I don’t feel comfortable recording all of my resumes with sensitive information on a non-local git repository, so I’ve been running forgejo at home for this. In case you are curious about how I generate my resume, I use org-cv on the backend, using the awesomecv template similar to this guy. I do use a bit of an odd combindation of git commands and magit keybindings to get stuff done, but for me it’s comfy. I thought it’d be a good idea to document some of my common git commands that I use to organize my resume on the repo here. I got the idea after seeing another blog post in a similar vein. If you’re in a similar position as me this may give you some workflow ideas.

  • Create a new company branch with all files from current branch, then switches to the new branch
git checkout -b <branch>
  • See names of all files on current branch
git ls-tree -r <branch> --name-only
  • Restore file from another branch
git restore --source <branch> <file>
  • See current branches, doubly verbose to highlight relationship between local and remotes
git branch -vv
  • Set or get remote repo urls for origin for ssh
git remote set-url origin <user>@<host_domain_or_ip>:<ssh-port>/<username>/<repository>.git
git remote get-url origin