Jordan Herzstein

Jordan Herzstein


Hello, my name is Jordan, I’m a Computer Engineering student from Canada. I like all things FOSS, cybersecurity, server administration, selfhosting, thinkpads, and more. These past few years I’ve been living and breathing Linux, from desktop, server, and embedded, with some knowledge of Windows (desktop and server) and Android. Most of my programming experience is in bash, Python, and C/C++. I am familiar with Java, SQL, Go, and PHP. I’ve engaged with a few more esoteric things like elisp and sieve. I’m currently learning rust.

This is my website, you may have noiticed that this site looks pretty bare bones, that’s because I built the themeing in layout entirely from scratch almost entirely without javascript; this choice was intentional because my site both loads faster and feels more personal. I can say that everything here is created and owned by me, not just as a creative outlet, but so every facet of my online existance is under my control. I engage very little with social media. I value understanding and being able to control my technology, which fuels my passion to learn new things all the time. I use this website in part to document my learning; I’m writing because I’m learning, and I’m learning because I’m writing.

When I’m not in front of glowing rectangles made of polarized sheets and crystals, I like swimming, running, climbing, and reading books/manga on my kobo. I don’t game very much because I got burnt out from very early in COVID, but I’ve slowly reintroducing it into my life in ways that I think I’m happy with. My friend gave me his Steam library and now I’m playing Patrick’s Parabox.